Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Personal Reflection for week 11

It seems like the time flew by for this quarter because of the materials that were provided by this course. Unlike other typical classes, this online course has presented new tools that are useful to online teaching, and through different activities with these tools, the students were able to master the tools. I am glad that this quarter is over, but I am also very glad that I took this online course this quarter. I will find this course very useful for my future of teaching, and I am sure that I will be using the tools that I have acquired in this course. I will do my best to continue with next eLearning course provided at BC, and after I receive my degree, I will go into the field of teaching. I hope that the next classes that I am taking are as useful as this class.

# portfolio 10

From this course, I have learned the foundation of a great online course. From setting up blogs to finding tools for online teaching, many resources have been provided from the course. Frankly, some of activities instructions were hard to follow, but the teacher provided much help for me to learn all the materials that the teacher had to provide. If I were to be teaching the course, more thorough instructions could help the students with some of the activities we were supposed to do.

Monday, March 21, 2011

#portfolio 9

this is my sample lecture for the week 1. I made a powerpoint show to introduce history, rules, and benefits of badminton. This lecture material will kindred badminton to the students.
link :
lecture 1

Sunday, March 13, 2011


This video will help my students to learn basic badminton skills at the beginning of the course. This video is only three minutes long and show how to use basic badminton skills repeatedly. I found this video at I think this website has many resources that supports teachers as well as students.
With this video, I also found a blog that explains some basic badminton skills in words. This blog will also help students who are not able to watch video online.
blog link :

Personal Reflection for week 10

From this learning module project, I learned many things. This is my first time to make learning module as a teacher's point of view. Since I have never taught students before, it was hard for me to create a learning module. However, I asked some advice to many friends who are already teachers or have teacher experience including Sam. The advices are very helpful for my project. Actually, creating a sample activity was fun, however, the hardest part was assessment. I was always assessed by teachers so I did not know how to start it at first. So I asked my friend who has some teaching experience to help me. She gave me some ideas so I could finish my project. This project was not easy for me, however, it was a lot of fun and interesting job. I feel like I was enjoying creating learning module. Also it was very interesting to think in the teacher's point of view.